Tuesday, April 10, 2012

the collection of Hermes and Gucci to see

To reflect the fashion statement of sophistication and language, Hermes and Gucci, is in fact in her unique style. You k Can these products from their websites and showrooms to buy. You k Can on the website eurohandbag.com to the collection of Hermes and Gucci to see, and may w Choose to buy a product they like. The product quality is t and the satisfaction of Unexplained Rlich, and once a person has a class of t go great brand, they are s R, is faithful to know the respective brand.Lightweight scarves k Can color and style to any outfit this spring, and few people better than the power of this elegant accessory Hermes CEO Robert Chavez and scarf specialist Susie DiCecco. Hermes began to produce their printed silk scarves by hand in 1937, and was pieces.An to one of the artists signed to the company or designer craftsmen and women and seven (a breeder of silkworms, weaver, writer, colorist, printers, and hand enoblisseur roles) in the preparation of the individual sound, which takes about two years to design for engraving, printing and luxurious scarves finishing.The be involved in producing sen silk among the farmers in China and Brazil. Hermes weavers and printers are in Lyon, France.

Silkworm cocoons are about 8 n IST to a string of heavy, Hermes' silk to soften. Wash, drain, and weaving are held, may begin prior to printing. A writer breaks the circuit design as many colors as the finished shawl included (one screen per color for up to 36 colors). COLUMNS design scarf takes about 800 hours. Printed on 100 meters, long tables, Hermes handbag, where the colors are printed one after another, from the lightest to the darkest smaller bottles Surface and the gr-Run area of the design of the scarf. The prints are then fixed scarves, Hermes Birkin 35, washed, ironed and cut, wrap a scarf in front of the S Trees by hand in a process that takes about 40 minutes are rolled through a cloth.

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